About The AHEAD Research Network

The Allied Health, Environment and Development Research Network (AHEAD) unites researchers in various research disciplines (economics, epidemiology, public health, sociology of health, ecology and environment) from both developed and developing countries on current topics relating to health, environment and development.

The network seeks to identify, in a multidisciplinary manner, the interactions between health and environmental issues and to integrate sustainable development goals into public policies in developing countries with a particular focus on the Middle East and North African Region (MENA) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

The AHEAD Network aims to facilitate scientific exchange between researchers and to help pool together existing knowledge on questions relating to health, environment and development.

It aims to specifically extend the analysis of different aspects of wellbeing with a particular focus on health and environmental issues in the MENA and the SSA countries. The three themes, health, environment and development, are explored through several transversal research directions that include, but are not limited to :

• The study of the interactions between health and environmental issues within the broader context of wellbeing and sustainable development
• The measurement of health inequalities and wellbeing
•  The impact of inequalities in wellbeing on human development
•  The evaluation of health outcomes related to environmental factors
•  The evaluation of the feasibility and impact of health-environment public policies
•  The evaluation of external effects of public goods in relation to fairness.

* AHEAD acknowledges the funding and support from the following organisations for the SANTEMED Project and the AHEAD Website development:
A*MIDEX (University Foundation Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence).

The AHEAD Network is a registered association under the “French Law of 1901”. It was created at the beginning of 2015 as part of the SANTEMED project (grant n° ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) financed by the University Foundation Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence (A*MIDEX ).

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